After your offer on a home is accepted, there remains a great deal of work to get you to the finish line. In order to cleanly consummate the sale, you have to be assured that the seller is in a clear position to sell the property. Typically, the home is the largest asset that people own, and if there are delinquent taxes, HOA dues, or unpaid child support, encumbering the property, these title issues must be settled before proper title can convey. These title defects are commonly known as “title clouds” and it is important that you are aware of their existence on property that you may be interested in.
The decision to sell your home isn’t one that most people take lightly. Sometimes it’s a matter of pure necessity, such as a work transfer or a little belt tightening. Sometimes your starter home no longer suits your needs and you need to sell your home to make a down payment on a larger home. Whatever the case, you’re definitely going through an emotionally challenging time and you need the sale to go forward smoothly. That’s where we come in!
The purchase of a home can be a bit intimidating. Much of the paperwork involves matters that are very personal in nature, and sometimes you may feel uneasy about providing this information to people you don’t know well. When dealing with First National Title, we want you to be at ease and to feel as if you have a partner in your home buying experience.