Buying a home is perhaps most important investment you will ever make, and you owe it to engage in proper diligence. After your offer is accepted and the property is under contract, an important crowning step is to prepare for closing.
Your new home means a lot to you and your family, and you looked at many different properties before making your final decision. Whether you’re purchasing your first starter home or the “forever home” that you always dreamed about, it’s always wise to practice proper diligence in your selection. A new home is the biggest purchase that most of us make, and it’s not a decision to be taken lightly!
Buying a new home is always exciting, and it’s the largest single purchase that many people make. Once your offer is accepted and the property is under contract, the clock is ticking! With so much at stake, it’s important to hire the right professionals to help you prepare for a smooth closing. You owe it to yourself to perform all necessary due diligence, and the title search and examination, and the preparation of a title commitment for an owner’s policy of title insurance are some of the most important parts of getting the sale consummated.