Category: News & Updates

Let First National Title Company Guide You to a Smooth Property Closing

While there are people that decide to go it alone through online services when buying or selling real estate, experts caution against a completely solo act.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort to find a potential buyer – often no easy feat – it is wise to then hand over the reins to a closing company. Reputable firms like First National Title Company (FNTC) can handle all of your title, closing and escrow services.

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Title Insurance Coverage Protects Your Most Valuable Asset

We purchase insurance policies for our health, vehicles, jewelry, and other valuables – all in an effort to protect against unforeseen circumstances. And since the most valuable asset many people own is their home, insuring it is perhaps one of the most important steps when closing the deal on your property.

Title insurance companies like First National Title Company (FNTC), as an agent for several national underwriters, can issue your policy. In fact, our experienced staff of closers and title examiners will guide you through every step of your real estate transaction in a prompt, professional, and accurate manner. This includes title searches and escrow closing services.

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Title Searches: What They Are & Why You Need Them

For real estate transactions in Arkansas, title searches are crucial. It is so important, no matter where deals are conducted, to work with reliable title companies that perform thorough searches and professional procedures necessary to reach a satisfactory closing.

A title search is performed primarily for two reasons: to verify the seller’s right to transfer ownership, and to uncover any claims, errors, assessments, debts, or other restrictions on the property. The American Land Title Association reports that title companies discover and remedy issues with titles in approximately 25 percent of transactions.

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Selling Your Home? Get Educated First…

When you decide to sell your home, you may not realize how overwhelming the process can be. There are many factors to consider. First National Title Company (FNTC) would like to share a few things you should know before selling.

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Choose the Right Title Company for Your Piece of Property & Peace of Mind

Working with a professional and experienced title company can mean the difference between a smooth closing and a real estate disaster.

There are a number of things that can go wrong when care is not taken when choosing a title company. Countless horror stories have resulted from subpar companies handling closings.

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