Escrow Assistant to Sara Beth Brennan & Pam Cathey
Stephanie Singleton – Part-time Escrow Assistant
Shea McFadden – Escrow Assistant
Title Department Manager, Licensed Title Agent
Margie was born in Blytheville and moved to Little Rock in 1966, graduating from Mount Saint Mary Academy. She and her husband Harvey have been married since 1984. She enjoys piano and photography. With 36 years in the Title Industry, it is almost impossible to find something Margie can’t do. Although her focus is in title research, she is also a licensed title agent with experience in issuing title policies as well as title commitments.
Title Officer – Licensed Title Agent – Licensed Abstractor
Gale began his title career in 1986 as a courier. Under the auspices of some of the greatest minds in the abstract and title industry, he soon became one of the brightest young examiners in the area. Now with over 18 years of abstracting and examining experience on thousands of transactions, his expertise has led to much respect from his peers in the field. A native of Little Rock, Gale now resides in Sherwood, together with his wife and two lovely daughters. He enjoys time with his family and the challenges the title profession offers.